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How to Navigate the Plan Viewer

How to Navigate the Plan Viewer



In SiteView, reference plans are displayed in the Plan Viewer. Each pano is represented by a dot on the reference plan.

High Fidelity (HiFi) panos are created when you stop for 3 seconds during a video capture. In Plan Viewer, HiFi panos are marked with a star as seen below:

You might also see annotation icons if your team uses them.

Panos and Viewports

  • The location of each photo captured (called a pano in SiteView) is marked with a light blue dot  on the Reference Plan. Click on a blue dot to view a pano in a specific location.
  • The pano displayed in each Capture Viewer is highlighted in orange, pink, green, or lighter blue (depending on the amount of Capture Viewers shown).

  • The highlighted pano also has a viewport spreading out from it. This represents the level of zoom selected using the mouse scroll wheel. 

  • The viewport faces the direction you are pointing, and the span of the radar shows the field of view (FOV) of the displayed photo.

  • The viewport rotates as you turn in the pano, and the view becomes smaller or larger as you zoom in and out of the pano, respectively.

  • You might also see:

    • 3D dollhouses - They are 3D points from video recorded using our capture app and help with measurement accuracy.

    • Sketch drawings - They take the form of text, polylines, symbols, and Room (Sketch or Revit) locations. These graphics are used to make finding and identifying specific 2D/3D spaces easier.

Changing the Reference Plan

To change the reference plan to a different one:

  1. The upper right corner displays the name of the current reference plan. Click on the name. 
  2. Select the reference plan you want to use from the drop-down list.

Basic Navigation

  • Move the reference plan by left-clicking and dragging it inside the Plan Viewer.
  • Use the lower control options:
    • Click on 3D to view a 3D dollhouse, if available. Click on 2D to return to the default view.
    • Click on Filter Pano by Height  to choose which panos appear in the Plan Viewer. (Only available if recordings exist at different heights on a level.)
    • Click on the True North icon to switch the plan orientation.
    • To show a satellite map view (shows trees, cars, houses, etc.), click on the Satellite View  icon. Click on the Map View  (shows street names, etc.) to change back.
    • Zoom in and out with the mouse scroll wheel or click on the Plus and Minus icons. Click Reset Zoom  to return to the default view.
  • Right-click options:
    • Sync with Capture Viewers - Click to dynamically sync the Plan Viewer with the Main Capture Viewer or secondary Capture Viewers.
    • Annotations - Turn annotation icons on and off.
    • Rooms - Turn Rooms imported from BIM on and off.
    • Sketch Drawings - Turn custom shapes (walls, rooms, walking paths, etc.) on and off.

Shortcut Keys

Shortcut keys to navigate the plan are:

  • SHIFT + ‘+’ - Zoom In.
  • SHIFT + ‘-’ - Zoom Out.
  • Right arrow button - Move right.
  • Left arrow button - Move left.
  • Up arrow button - Move up.
  • Down arrow button - Move down.
  • SHIFT + Left arrow button - Rotate clockwise.
  • SHIFT + Right arrow button - Rotate counterclockwise.
  • SHIFT + Up arrow button - Tilt the plan forward.
  • SHIFT + Down arrow button - Tilt the plan backward (after tilting forward).

  • W - Move to the pano in front of you.
  • A - Move to the pano left of you.
  • S - Move to the pano behind you.
  • D - Move to the pano right of you.
Matt is the author of this solution article.

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