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Learn the definitions of common terms used in CupixWorks software and support articles.


360° Camera

A camera that has a field of view covering approximately an entire 360° sphere. All cameras supported by CupixWorks have at least two lenses in order to create a 360° (equirectangular) photo.

360° Photo

A single equirectangular image in a 3D digital twin. It is also known as a “pano”, which is short for a panoramic image. When we refer to a 360° photo, it applies to both photo and video files. Why? Because video files are processed as a single 360° photo every 2 frames per second within the CupixWorks web platform.

3D Digital Twin

A digitized record of a building or location created using a 360° reality capture taken on a specific date.

3D Dollhouse

A 3D dollhouse is created from panoramic image files and represented as points.



A user role for administration in CupixWorks. Some capabilities:

  • Edit, remove, and access folders (workspaces and projects) and data within a team. 
  • Edit, remove, and access security permissions.
  • Edit and access account settings.


A form users fill out to describe a condition, action item, or resolution in a SiteView or in TwinCapture when capturing a site.


A record of each time you start and stop a capture mode. It is created with either Video or Single Shot Modes in the TwinCapture. It can also be created for a SiteView by uploading point cloud, 3D mesh, or 360° photo/video files.

As-Built Drawings

As-built drawings are a revised set of drawings submitted by a contractor upon completion of a project. They reflect all changes made in the specifications and working drawings during the construction process. They show the exact dimensions, geometry and location of all elements of the work completed.



Short for Building Information Modeling, a BIM is a 3D digital model representing physical properties and functional characteristics of a building.


The appearance of smearing in a photo caused by the camera moving too much during a capture. 



A collection of 360° photos and videos recorded at a single site on a specific date.

Capture Data

Metadata generated during a capture. It includes 360° photo locations, selected project setup data (reference plans and levels), and annotations made during the capture. It doesn't include the actual 360° photo and video files.

Capture Mode

This is the method used to record 360° imagery in TwinCapture. Currently, we offer Video and Single Shot modes.


The result of processing an Area in CupixWorks sorted into a group of panos. Ideally, you only want one cluster inside a single Area for best results.

Connect App

Software designed for uploading and downloading data for use with the CupixWorks web platform. It is available on Windows or Mac computers (laptop and desktop).


A limitation placed upon a cluster of panos to assist in measurement.


A web platform where team members can:

  • Manage Projects and Workspaces.
  • Create SiteViews for sharing reality capture data.
  • Track site progress and check for deviations.
  • Generate project timeline reports.


Demolition Plans

Demolition plans show the current state of the structure and indicate what must be demolished as part of the construction project.

Design Drawings

A design drawing is somewhat similar to a concept drawing. This means that they are also useful in the case of fetching new conversions for a particular project. They are also useful in proposing the designs to the stakeholders, and then providing a rough idea to the design teams for their reference. Design drawings can also become a benchmark or can be used as a comparison.


A capture naturally accumulates location errors over distance. The larger the area, the more noticeable the deviation becomes. Because of this, we recommend separating large areas into smaller ones to avoid this drifting effect.


Equirectangular Image

A single 360° photo in a digital twin. It is also known as a panoramic image, or pano for short. In SiteView, all images that you are see are called panos.



It is a distinctive attribute or aspect of something in the scene being recorded. For example: 

  • Lines, edges, corner geometry of walls, furniture, & objects
  • Shapes or patterns in art, rugs, & books
  • Rough textured surfaces like wood, concrete, & brick
  • Stains on floor or smudges on walls


Frames Per Second, or FPS, is the rate at which back-to-back images called frames appear in a display and form moving imagery. Video content that we consume daily isn’t actually moving. In fact, they are still images that play one after the other. If a video is shot at 24fps, this means that 24 individual frames are played back in a second. They change at a different rate across mediums depending on a lot of other factors.


Hierarchical groups used to organize data in CupixWorks. Folders include the Workspace and Project.

Form Templates

A form with preconfigured fields used to create Annotations in SiteViews.



The combination of an internal coordinate system of a digital map or aerial photo and a ground system of geographic coordinates. A georeferenced digital map or image is tied to a known Earth coordinate system, so users can determine where every point on the map or aerial photo is located on the Earth's surface. In short, georeferencing is the process of combining of an internal coordinate system with a geographic coordinate system.


Team members that are put together in a list. Typically, members within a group require access to the same workspaces or projects.


HDR Mode

CupixWorks does nor support this photo mode.



A photographic image file, otherwise known as a single panoramic 360° photo, or pano. This can originate as either a photo or video file.


Multiple photographic images and/ or videos.


An Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) is a device that can measure and report the specific gravity and angular rate of an object to which it is attached. An IMU typically consists of:

  • Gyroscopes: providing a measure angular rate
  • Accelerometers: providing a measure specific force/acceleration
  • Magnetometers (optional): measurement of the magnetic field surrounding the system


No glossary items.


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A floor of a building, or a deck in a ship, or any other distinct space being recorded for a Project. You can capture as many Areas as you want within a Level.



In SiteView, this is a 2D screenshot of a 360° pano used to convey the location of an issue or other note within an Annotation. You also have the option to "mark it up" by adding shapes or text for further context.


A user on a team in CupixWorks.


A Model is a virtual representation of how the building will look like when it's complete. Some examples are digital twins and BIM models. The benefit of developing a BIM model is that it streamlines the coordination between all disciplines. Everything is clear in a model: the design, elevation, internal and external detailing.


No glossary items.



A feature available exclusively in TwinCapture, it allows you to record VoiceNotes and PhotoNotes of a job site.



Short for panoramic image, it is a 360° photo in a digital twin. It is also known as a single equirectangular image. In SiteView, all images that you are see are called panos.

Pano Bubble

In SiteView, it is a grey translucent bubble with a stem attached that represents the height and location at which a pano was taken by a 360° camera.


A folder used to represent one building or one location. Projects contain levels, reference plans, BIM, captures, SiteViews, and reports.

Project Geocoordinates

Data points used for increasing the accuracy of a project's geographic location. 


No glossary items.


Reference Plan

A diagram depicting sections, dimensions, and other characteristics of a level within a building. Multiple reference plans (ie: floor plan, partition plan, MEP plan) can be uploaded and viewed in each level of a project.


Allows the user to see all data from annotations and markups created using the same form template in a project’s SiteViews. A report contains a spreadsheet (.xls, .csv) organized by name, status, SiteView, creator, date of creation, and most recent update time, and data within each form’s fields are also listed.


Single Shot

A shooting mode available in TwinCapture. It lets you take a single 360° photo at a time and manually mark its location on the reference plan.


A CupixWorks web platform feature used for % Progress tracking during construction, asset status & location tracking, and BIM vs. reality capture deviation checking.

Site Plans

A site plan is a large-scale drawing that shows the full extent of the site for an existing or proposed development. Site plans, along with location plans, may be necessary for planning applications. In most cases, site plans will be drawn up following a series of desk studies and site investigations.


The CupixWorks web-based app used for viewing, sharing, and annotating 3D digital twins. Team members can share access based on project, capture, level, and area.


360° cameras with dual fisheye lenses record two 360° images at a time. Stitching is the process of combining these two images into a single equirectangular image, also called a panoramic image, or pano for short.



A CupixWorks team contains all members, workspaces, projects, and data under a unique URL.

Team URL

The CupixWorks webpage for a specific team. This unique URL is needed to log into TwinCapture, Connect App, or CupixWorks web platform.


A Chrome web browser extension that allows a CupixWorks user to view a 3D digital twin of a project from within Procore and Autodesk Cloud Construction software in SiteView with one click.


A CupixWorks template consists of all levels, reference plans, annotation groups, BIM and Integrations inside a project.

TwinCapture App

An application for mobile devices that is used with a 360° camera to capture current site conditions. The app organizes the user’s 360° photos and videos while keeping track of the locations they recorded at the site.



A term used interchangeably with "submit" as it relates to adding photos, videos, or reality capture data files to the CupixWorks web platform for processing.



A shooting mode available in TwinCapture. With it, you can record two ways:

  • 3D Map Video - limited to 20 minutes per recording, this mode produces a 3D dollhouse and panoramic images.
  • 360° video - limited to 60 minutes per recording, this mode produces panoramic images alone.



The top-level folder within a team that holds data such as projects, captures, SiteViews, reports, and templates.



One of the horizontal planes used for picking a point in 3D space along with the Y-axis.



One of the horizontal (side to side) planes used for picking a point in 3D space along with the X-axis.



The vertical plane (up and down) used for picking a point in 3D space, perpendicular to the X and Y-axes.

Matt is the author of this solution article.

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