CupixWorks Support Center

FAQ: Cache Management

FAQ: Cache Management


In Cupix Connect, the data that is downloaded onto a computer is stored in user-specified folders. There are two types of folders used:

  • Download Folder - This is used to store all downloaded SiteView files. 
  • Cache Folder - This is used for temporarily storing files used in each upload/ download process.

You can change the folder path in Settings  .

Cupix suggests deleting any older files to save space on your computer every month.

Clear Cache Folder

If you are having issues uploading or downloading files, try the following:

  1. In Connect, click on Settings  .  

  2. Look at the Cache Folder path. 
  3. Go to that folder on your computer and delete all the files and folders sitting inside it. 
  4. Try to do the same upload process as you did before.

Change Cache Folder

If clearing the Cache Folder doesn't work, try the following:

  1. In Connect, click on Settings  .
  2. Next to the Cache Folder path, click on the Change button. 
  3. Navigate to a different folder, then click on Select
  4. Try to do the same upload process as you did before.

If neither of the above solutions works, please contact us at [email protected].

Matt is the author of this solution article.

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