Manage Access
- Introduction
- Manage Workspace Access
- Manage Project Member Access
- Manage Project Group Access
- Manage SiteView Access
For administrators, there are several levels of access to manage in CupixWorks:
- Workspace - Workspace Admins manage access.
- Project - Project Admins (members and groups) manage access.
- SiteView - Project Admins (members and groups) manage access.
- Project - Project Admins (members and groups) manage access.
Read Permissions Overview for more details on available member roles.
Manage Workspace Access
Here is how to manage Workspace access:
- On the default Map View page, click on List View
- Click on a Workspace or filter if there are many to choose from.
- Click on Manage Access on the right side under "Workspace Admins".
- Click in the "Add people and groups" field.
- Type in the name of the person or group, then click on each name to add them.
- Now you can choose to notify them or not. Options:
- Notify the person(s) or group(s).
- Send a message.
- Click on the Send/Ok button. An email notification will be sent letting them know they now have access to the Workspace.
Manage Project Member Access
Here is how to manage access for members:
- On the default Map View page, click on the project on the left side menu.
- Double-click on Open Project Admin Center.
- Click on Members at the top.
- Click on the Add Member button.
- Choose a "User Role". Options are:
- Project Admin - gives access to manage the project.
- Project Member - gives access to all SiteViews and SiteInsights & Deviation Analysis reports. Can record & upload captures.
- SiteView Member - gives access to SiteViews shared with them. Select all or specific SiteViews to share. Data access:
- Can create and edit Annotations.
- Can create and save Measurements.
- Can generate Timeline Reports.
- SiteView Observer - gives access to SiteViews shared with them. Select all or specific SiteViews to share. Data access:
- Can view Annotations, but cannot add or edit them.
- Can create Measurements, but cannot save them.
- Cannot generate Timeline Reports.
- Cannot view or create Bookmarks.
- Click in the "Add people and groups" field.
- Type in the name of each member, then click on each name to add them.
- Now you can choose to notify them or not. Options:
- Notify the person(s).
- Send a message.
- Click on the Send/Ok button. An email notification will be sent letting them know they now have access to the Project.
Manage Project Group Access
Here is how to manage access for groups:
- On the default Map View page, click on the project on the left side menu.
- Double-click on Open Project Admin Center.
- Click on the Open settings icon
in the upper right.
- Click on Settings.
- A new tab will open. Click on Groups
on the left side.
- Click on the New Group button.
- Choose from the following options:
- Type in a group Name (required).
- Add one or several Auto-Join Group Email Domains (optional).
- Toggle Vendor on (optional).
- Click on the Done button.
- Now go back to the other tab and click on Members at the top.
- Click on the Add Member button.
- Choose a "User Role". Options are:
- Project Admin - gives access to manage the project.
- Project Member - gives access to all SiteViews as well as SiteInsights & Deviation Analysis reports. Can record & upload captures.
- SiteView Member- gives access to SiteViews shared with them. Select all or specific SiteViews to share. Data access:
- Can create and edit Annotations.
- Can create and save Measurements.
- Can generate Timeline Reports.
- SiteView Observer- gives access to SiteViews shared with them. Select all or specific SiteViews to share. Data access:
- Can view Annotations, but cannot add or edit them.
- Can create Measurements, but cannot save them.
- Cannot generate Timeline Reports.
- Click in the "Add people and groups" field.
- Type in the name of each group, then click on each name to add them.
- Now you can choose to notify them or not. Options:
- Notify the group(s).
- Send a message.
- Click on the Send/Ok button. An email notification will be sent letting them know they now have access to the Project.
Manage SiteView Access
Here is how to manage access:
- On the default Map View page, click on the project on the left side menu.
- Double-click on Open Project Admin Center.
- By default, you will start on the SiteViews page. Click on the SiteView you want to manage.
- A menu will open on the right side. Here are the options:
- SiteView name - click on the Edit icon
to change the name.
- Publish SiteView - toggle the SiteView on or off.
- Public Access - toggle public access to the SiteView on or off. (Note: if this is toggled on, anyone with the link can view this SiteView. They do not need to be a member of your team.)
- Various other options - not related to access.
- SiteView name - click on the Edit icon
- Once you determine the overall access for the SiteView, click on Members at the top.
- As explained in the sections above, you control who has access to your data. You can limit a member or group to viewing a SiteView by choosing the SiteView Member or SiteView Observer role for them.
- Once the role is given, you can select which SiteViews are available from the table. Options:
- Allow Access
- Disallow Access