Deviation Analysis
If you use BIM in your project, CupixWorks allows you to:
- Compare the point cloud data from an external scanner and the BIM model. This helps to Identify and resolve discrepancies between As-Built and the As-Design captured in the BIM model.
- The deviation report allows you to prioritize objects based on whether they fall within acceptable tolerances or require corrective action.
To view the Deviation Analysis:
- Click on the Analytics button in the project in the Map View.
- Select Deviation Analysis in the pop-up window.
- Choose the report you want to view. (You will be given the option to choose one of the deviation analysis reports if there is more than one available.)
- The Analytics button will not be displayed in the absence of any deviation results.
- The SiteInsights option will be visible when there is a SiteInsights result available in the project.
To request new analysis:
- Click on the project in the Map View.
- Click on Open Project Admin Center.
- Click on Analytics at the top middle.
- Click on the Request New Analysis button.