CupixWorks Support Center

Deviation Analysis

Deviation Analysis



If you use BIM in your project, CupixWorks allows you to:

  • Compare the point cloud data from an external scanner and the BIM model. This helps to Identify and resolve discrepancies between As-Built and the As-Design captured in the BIM model.
  • The deviation report allows you to prioritize objects based on whether they fall within acceptable tolerances or require corrective action.


To view the Deviation Analysis:

  1. Click on the Analytics button in the project in the Map View.
  2. Select Deviation Analysis in the pop-up window.
  3. Choose the report you want to view. (You will be given the option to choose one of the deviation analysis reports if there is more than one available.)


  • The Analytics button will not be displayed in the absence of any deviation results.
  • The SiteInsights option will be visible when there is a SiteInsights result available in the project.

To request new analysis:

  1. Click on the project in the Map View.
  2. Click on Open Project Admin Center.
  3. Click on Analytics at the top middle.
  4. Click on the Request New Analysis button.

Matt is the author of this solution article.

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