CupixWorks Support Center

How to Use Annotations in SiteView

How to Use Annotations in SiteView



In SiteView, Annotations give you the ability to add and share detailed information about a specific location inside a pano. We provide the following options:

Configure Annotation Form Templates

Annotation Form Templates can be customized per project by Cupix Support during project onboarding.

A Project Admin can later add or remove Form Templates via Account Settings -> Form Templates.

Annotations Menu Button

Annotations are available by clicking on this icon on the left side menu:

When you click on the icon, the annotation sidebar slides out.

If no Annotation Groups are added to a project, the Annotations option will not appear in the SiteView.

Add New Annotation

To add a new annotation:

A. Click on the Add Annotation icon  under the Annotation Group you want to add it to.

If you have integrated your Autodesk or Procore, click on the Form Template that fits the situation.

B. Once the creation screen opens, there are a lot of options available to you.

We will use a To Do Form Template as an example of some of the options available. Different Form Templates contain varying options & required fields. (Unchangeable "default" options are noted.)

       1. Cancel Creation (default) - clicking on this will take you back to the annotations list view.

       2. Save (default) - clicking on this button will save the settings you have entered.

       3. Re-Position Annotation (default) - click this to move the location of the Annotation Badge in the pano.

       4. Annotation Badge (default) - the location of the annotation shown as a badge and stick in the pano.

       5. Form Template (default) - two letters or a symbol that stand for the Form Template being used.

       6. Annotation Name (default) - enter a meaningful name for the annotation.

       7. Asset ID - enter the asset ID number.

       8. Type - enter type of the issue.

       9. Date - choose the date the asset was tagged.

       10. Description Text Area - describe the asset.

       11. Link - add a URL.

       12. Attachments (default) - add Markup or upload file.

C. Once you have filled in everything, click on Save.

D. More options will appear in the annotation screen.

       1. Edit (default) - make changes to the annotation.

       2. Resolve (default) - the issue will be marked as done. Note that if clicked on accident, you can Reopen it. Both will generate an email notification to the member assigned to the annotation.

       3. More options (default) - adds the following:

  • Copy URL to the clipboard.
  • Duplicate the annotation.
  • Move to either a different Annotation Group or Capture.
  • Timeline Report will export as HTML file format.
  • Export As BCF will export as BCF file format. (A BIM Viewer must be active to see the BCF option.)
  • Delete the annotation.

       4. Attachments (default) - add Markup or Upload Files.

       5. Comments (default) - add comments to an annotation.

       6. Annotation Badge (default) - here it is shown in its location on the reference plan in the Plan Viewer.

Important individual options are explained further below.

Re-position Annotation

To re-position an annotation in the pano:

  1. Click on the Edit  button.
  2. Click on Re-position Annotation  button.
  3. Available mouse cursor movements:
    • Move the Annotation Badge around in the current view.
    • Left/ right click + hold to move the pano around the Annotation Badge.
    • After finding the new location in the pano, left click to re-position it there.
  4. After re-positioning it, select a distance for the Annotation Badge from your current position, and left click.
  5. Click Save to make the change.

Default Annotation Options


Enter a valid URL to add to an annotation.


You can attach two types of files to an annotation:

  • Markup - either take a screenshot of a Capture Viewer or copy an image from the computer's clipboard.
  • Upload Files - add files to your annotation. (Note that the limit per file file is 3GB.)


Use Markups to add freehand drawings, text, and shapes to the annotation.

Upload Files

Upload any files that you want to associate with the annotation.


Add comments and/or links to an annotation to provide more context or ask other team members to assist, etc.

Note that all comments will be emailed to members of the project with Editing level permissions.

Annotations List

Search and Filter

Search Annotations

If you have a lot of annotations, use the search bar to find a specific one quickly. 

(Note that it only searches within title or form template fields.)

Filter Annotation Visibility in Plan Viewer

To limit the number of annotations shown in the Plan Viewer, filter by:

  • Status:
    • All
    • Open
    • Resolved
  • Captures:
    • All Captures
    • Current Capture

Annotation Groups List

All Annotation Groups that have been published in the Project Center will appear here.

(Note: if you do not see a group you want to view, contact your Admin.)

Show or Hide Annotation Groups

If you click on the Hide  icon, all annotations in that group will disappear from the Capture and Plan Viewers.

If you click on the Show  icon, they will re-appear.

Share Annotation Group

This option is not functional and will be deprecated soon.

Timeline Report

To export one, some, or all captures that contain annotations for an Annotation Group in HTML format:

  1. Click on the three vertical dots.
  2. Click on Export HTML
  3. Click on one of the following options:
    • All Captures - export the capture you are viewing + all others to compare with annotations in the group.
    • Current and Following Captures - export the capture you are viewing + all following ones to compare with annotations in the group. 
    • Current and Previous Captures - export the capture you are viewing + all previous ones to compare with annotations in the group.
    • Current Capture - export the capture you are viewing to compare with annotations in the group.

Annotation Menu Options

To access more options for individual annotations:

  1. Click on the three dots next to the name of the annotation.
  2. Choose one of the following actions:
    • Open
    • Resolve
    • Rename
    • Duplicate
    • Copy URL
    • Move to
    • Timeline Report
    • Export As BCF
    • Delete


  • Only annotations within 20 feet of the current pano will be displayed in the Capture Viewer.
Matt is the author of this solution article.

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