- Overview
- PhotoNotes
- VoiceNotes
- Adding OmniNotes to Annotations
- Additional Notes
- OmniNote Best Practice User Guide
What are "OmniNotes"?
The Cupix TwinCapture OmniNote feature enables you to take photos or record voice memos on your mobile phone during 360° video walks. Please see the attached PDF link for use and best practices.
Benefits of using OmniNotes?
- 3D geotagged high-res photos & voice memos - Automatically linked with your 360° video walk path for location context.
- Multiple viewing options for easy access - Check notes on a map, in 3D virtual exploration, or view all in a list.
- Detailed as-built site documentation - High-resolution photos provide finer detail than standard 360° video images. It is ideal for recording essential visual information.
- Automatic Text Extraction from PhotoNotes and Voice Transcription from VoiceNotes providing the ability to index and search.
- Each PhotoNote is automatically added to your SiteView in the location where it was recorded using 3D geotagging.
- The images blend seamlessly into your SiteView capture.
- Cupix AI extracts text from your PhotoNote using Optical Character Recognition. Text characters that appear in images is searchable using keyword search in SiteView.
- Supported Languages for automatic text recognition: English, Arabic, Russian, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
- Each PhotoNote can be added to a new or existing annotation, as well as re-positioned as needed.
- Note: We do not apply facial/body blurring to PhotoNote images.
Creating PhotoNotes during Capture
PhotoNotes are collected during capture using the Cupix TwinCapture App.
- Tap the PhotoNote button while recording a video.
- Take a photo using your mobile device. This is the PhotoNote.
- Repeat to record more PhotoNotes during your recording.
(PhotoNotes are taken during Catpure)
PhotoNotes appear in SiteView after the Capture is published.
Using PhotoNotes in SiteView
There are a variety of ways to use PhotoNotes in SiteView:
- Zoom in on the PhotoNote to see high-resolution details
- Search for Text in the PhotoNote using keyword search
- Maximize the PhotoNote from the OmniNotes list
- Add VoiceNote to Annotations (see section below)
Zoom in on a 3D Geolocated PhotoNote to see high resolution detail.
Search for Text in the PhotoNote using keyword search. "gauge" search results are shown.
Maximize the PhotoNote from the OmniNotes list
- Each VoiceNote is automatically added to your SiteView in the location where it was recorded.
- Cupix AI auto-transcribes your VoiceNote into text, making the text searchable using keyword search in SiteView.
- Supported Languages for Auto Voice Transcription - English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, German, French, Italian, Danish, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, and Arabic.
- Each VoiceNote can be added to a new or existing annotation, as well as re-positioned as needed.
Creating VoiceNotes During Capture
- Tap the VoiceNote button while recording a video.
- Record your voice using your mobile device. This is the VoiceNote.
- Repeat to record more VoiceNotes during your recording.
(VoiceNotes are taken during Capture)
VoiceNotes appear in SiteView after the Capture is published.
Using VoiceNotes in SiteView
There are a variety of ways to use VoiceNotes in SiteView:
- Click Play to hear the voice recorded in the VoiceNote
- Read the text which is automatically transcribed from the voice
- Search for text automatically transcribed from the voice
- Add VoiceNote to Annotations (see section below)
VoiceNotes can be played or their transcribed text read in SiteView.
Adding OmniNotes to Annotations
- PhotoNotes and VoiceNotes can be added to Annotations
- OmniNotes appear as attachements to the Annotation.
- Multiple OmniNotes can be added to an Annotation.
Create a New Annotation from OmniNotes
- Open the OmniNote List in SiteView
- Check-box to select OmniNotes you want to use
- Click the Add Annotation Button to create a New Annotation
- The OmniNotes you selected will be attached to the new Annotation.
OmniNotes can be used to create a New Annotation
Add an OmniNote to an Existing Annotation
- Open the Annotation List in SiteView
- Edit the Annotation of interest by clicking "Edit"
- Open the OmniNotes List in SiteView
- Drag the OmniNote into the Annotation.
- The OmniNotes you drag will be attached to the existing Annotation.
OmniNotes can be added to an Existing Annotation
Additional Notes
OmniNotes are available during Video Capture only
- Cupix TwinCapture OmniNote is not available in 360° Photo mode; only 3D Video and 360° Video modes.
You must be logged in to use OmniNotes in SiteView
- You must have the appropriate Project Access to use OmniNotes
- Using OmniNotes with Annotations may require an additional level of Project Access
Repositioning and Editing PhotoNotes
- PhotoNotes can be repositioned in SiteView by clicking "Custom Position" from the OmniNote list
- Text can be modified by clicking "Edit Description" from the OmniNote list
Repositioning a PhotoNote and editing the text in the description
OmniNotes can be "resynced" after Capture
- It is rare to need to resync OmniNotes, but if you need to resync OmniNotes, it can be done in the Settings>Activity> section of the TwinCapture App.
Resyncing an OmniNote is done in Settings>Activity
OmniNote Best Practice User Guide
See attached User Guide for OmniNotes for more details and best practices.